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Power of 3 Longevity Bundle
Grab My 5 Step Quick Guide for Weight Loss & My Ultimate Macro Counting Guide & My Ultimate Lipid Guide for FREE! Normally a $197 Bundle!
Everything you need to live a healthy life, live longer, and lose weight properly!
Most of my clients, friends, and patients lost all the weight they ever wanted with this bundle!
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Alo Academy's More Advanced Courses & Classes:
For those who want to go deeper. University level courses and programs taught by world renowned instructors.

Weight Loss 101 Masterclass
Lose weight without restrictive dieting. Eat anything you want, skip the gym, and still lose weight!

GLP1 Turbo Charged
Learn how to maximize and accelerate your results on GLP1 meds! Best online GLP1 coaching course!

Cholesterol Masterclass
The ultimate lipids & longevity course which includes over 200 hours of advanced lessons and lectures. Also includes the "Dr. Thomas Dayspring Collection".

The Mommy Body Makeover Weight Loss Course
The perfect weight loss program for busy moms that want their confidence and body back!

Actual Weight Loss Book
The Complete Guide to Safe, Effective, Permanent, No Fad Diet, Noi Gimmicks, Weight Loss! (Hint: Less than $7)

The Mommy Body Makeover Book
Twenty years of research and helping busy moms lose weight, in one quick book! (Hint: Less than $7)
All of My FREE Resources & Guides!
Keep checking back to grab even more free reports, workbooks, cheatsheets, and guides! This is a valuable resource! Send all your friends to this link as well!
Other Great Resources & Programs Below!

Get Dr. Alo's Full Exercise Program! If You Did Nothing Else, You Would Still Lose Weight!
For MEN and WOMEN! My complete weekly workout routine! You can work out once a week and improve your physique! Sign up for our newsletter to get your free download!
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Grow Your Glutes According to Science!
Get Dr. Alo's Full Glute and Legs Program! Emphasize Your Legs While Still Maintaining And Growing Back, Chest, And Shoulders!
For MEN and WOMEN! The best glute and leg workout routine! Lots of leg and glute volume to increase growth, strength, and size! Get lean legs and improve your physique! Sign up for our newsletter to get this free download!
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Macronutrient Sources Cheatsheet
Grab our Macro cheatsheet so you can quickly figure out which foods are fats, carbs, and protein! Sign up for our newsletter to get your free download!
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Calculate Your Macros and Calories with My FREE Macro Workbook
Everything you need to get started on your new macros and calorie deficit! Sign up for our newsletter to get your free download!
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Ultimate Guide to Macro Counting
Grab my Ultimate Macro Counting Guide so you can quickly figure out how you can lose weight eating anything you want!
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Busy Mom Weight Loss Checklist and Starter Guide
If you did only what's on this simple two page guide, you will lose weight! Designed for busy moms! Sign up for our newsletter to get your free download!
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Who is Dr. Alo?
I've Been Teaching Doctors Weight Loss for Over 20 Years! I'm a Board Certified Cardiologist and Certified Personal Trainer!
I've been teaching doctors how to teach their patients to lose weight properly for over 20 years. I have traveled the world teaching physicians about proper weight loss. My lectures and techniques have led to hundreds, if not thousands, of patients and clients FINALLY learning to lose weight correctly, without restrictive, outrageous diets that are sometimes dangerous.
Do you want to learn from The Doctor's Doctor who has been teaching proper weight loss for over 20 years? Or from a newly graduated, inexperienced fitness trainer?
Like everyone, I have been overweight and sometimes obese since college. I have tried almost every fad diet you can imagine; Atkins, South Beach, Sugarbusters, Zone, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Whole 30, Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Paleo, TB12, and so many others. I would lose a little bit of weight, only to gain it all back. What gives? It was frustrating! I developed horrible relationships with food and exercise.
It was so embarrassing. Especially because I was "The Weight Loss Doctor" and the obesity specialist. If anyone should know how to lose weight, it should be me!
It took me over 20 years of researching and lecturing on weight loss to finally figure it out. I have read every book and research article on obesity and weight loss, and I have finally figured it out. My patients and clients love my system and how easy it is! You get to eat whatever you want, and still lose weight! And it's backed by actual research and science! You will get a copy of every single relevant study!
I'm a cardiologist and certified personal trainer, and I have been able to help thousands of my clients and patients lose weight, and they have all been asking me to make my system available for all, so I finally decided to write this book and give it away for peanuts online.
In case you are wondering, yes, that's me after losing 50 pounds of fat and gaining a bunch of muscle. It took me about 6 months. Yes, I was eating whatever I wanted. You can learn how to do this too! I reveal all of the tips and tricks and science behind my plan in my new book!

Dr. Alo Has Been Featured on Multiple Media Outlets Locally, Nationally, and Internationally!