Lipids & Longevity Book Bundle

Dr. Alo's Science Based, Evidence Backed Lipids & Longevity Book Bundle

Most of the information you'll find online about Longevity is nonsense and designed to sell you expensive monthly supplements or a useless $200,000 program. I break down the truth about longevity and cut through the BS and misinformation with science and evidence. I have spent the last 20+ years looking inside your arteries and treating thousands of patients. Most people try to sell you fake longevity knowledge, supplements, and hacks for thousands of dollars. How about two value-packed, inexpensive books? Sure, I could sell this "secret knowledge" for thousands, but that would be unethical.

Yes! I Want This For Only $7!

Normally $147

Dr. Alo Has Been Featured on Multiple Media Outlets Locally, Nationally, and Internationally!

Teaching Lipids, Longevity, Preventative Cardiology, Heart Health For Over Two Decades!

If you have enjoyed my videos and posts around cholesterol, lipids, longevity, and how to live a longer and healthier life, you are going to love this Lipids & Longevity Bundle! 

This longevity bundle is the epitome of longevity education, science, and data and will be the "go to" program for generations to come. This is a masterpiece in longevity without the fluff and nonsense.

Longevity Is Not:

  • Detoxes
  • Supplements
  • Blue Blocker Glasses
  • Crazy Fad Diets
  • Cold Plunges
  • Saunas
  • Weird Protocols
  • Magic Potions
  • Fake Gurus
  • People with No Science Or Medical Degrees
  • Selling Nonsense To Those Who Don't Know Any Better
  • "Miracle" Longevity Supplements
  • Animal Models and Fake Science
  • Questionable Research to Enrich Oneself
  • Profiting of Idiocy
  • Taking Advantage Of People
  • Expensive $4000 Blood Panels
  • $186,000 Red Light Tanning Beds
  • Useless PEMF Mats


Longevity Is:

  • Attacking the Top Ten Causes of Death Aggressively with Science and Data
  • Understanding Science and the Hierarchy of Evidence
  • Learning to Evaluate Data and Research
  • Optimizing For Heart Health
  • Understanding Evidenced Based Medicine
  • Reducing Most Common Cancer Risks
  • Eliminating Substances Known to Worsen Outcomes
  • Consuming a Heart Healthy Diet
  • Optimizing Lipid Metrics
  • Ordering the Correct Labs
  • Following the Correct Data and Studies
  • The Optimal Human Diet
  • Reversing Most Causes of Harm and Disease
  • Avoiding Quackery
  • Marketing Hype
  • Having a sounding board of Like Minded Individuals
  • Adding Life to Your Years, Not Just Years To Your Life

Don't be fooled by the nonsense online!


Lifespan Vs Healthspan

Lifespan is how long you live. Healthspan is how healthy you live. What's the point of living to 100 if the last 30 years are spent in a nursing home? We want you to live longer while still able to function, go for walks, lift weights, and play with your kids! We have to optimize for both. And we can!


The Ultimate Guide To Lipids, Longevity, & Heart Health!

If you go on Amazon and search for books on "longevity" the top few books are all written by people who are selling you a dream or have profited tremendously from selling lies and nonsense. They tell you that you must buy their supplements, protocols, or coaching so they can turn around and profit off selling fear and backdoor, big money deals with questionable brands and products.

Most of the books are written to convince you to buy their "longevity supplements" or to funnel you into a $200,000 longevity consult with "longevity gurus" and experts.

They even want you to buy their $186,000 home water oxygenator and red light tanning bed. It's pure nonsense!

The fact of the matter is that none of those "experts" are actual longevity experts. Most are snake oil salesmen and nonsense peddlers.

I actually save lives every day. That's my actual real job. I work as a cardiologist and have spent over two decades saving lives. I look inside your arteries and fix hearts for a living. I have a huge cardiology prevention practice and have helped thousands avoid heart disease before it begins. (Yes, we now have the technology to do that).

Heart disease is still the number one killer, but deaths from heart disease are down over 80% since the 1950s! We are improving cancer survival and diagnosis as well. We are making tremendous inroads despite a higher burden of chronic disease! Imagine what is possible now that we are reducing the burden of obesity and chronic illnesses that come with it?

The world of health optimization and medical breakthroughs is happening faster than we could have ever imagined. I have put all of my knowledge and expertise into this Lipids & Longevity Book Bundle!


Lifespan Vs Healthspan

Lifespan is how long you live. Healthspan is how healthy you live. What's the point of living to 100 if the last 30 years are spent in a nursing home? We want you to live longer while still able to function, go for walks, lift weights, and play with your kids! We have to optimize for both. And we can!


Why Listen to America's Cardiologist?

Unfortunately, the internet is littered with people giving advice on heart disease, longevity, and lipids from people who have no education or formal training in any of these fields. They simply "Googled" longevity and think they know a thing or two about living longer.

What if you could learn from someone who has actually looked inside your arteries? Looked at cardiac CT scans? Cardiac MRIs? Puts in pacemakers? Treats heart disease every day? 

Someone who would rather prevent and eliminate this devastating disease than just manage it "after the fact"?

Someone who has spent nearly 40 years of his life on education around medicine and especially lipids and longevity?

Someone who is obsessed with living longer and healthier?

If anyone knows how to prevent heart disease, it would be a cardiologist.


Meet Dr. Alo

I'm Dr. Alo. I am a double board certified cardiologist and a certified personal trainer. I am passionate about teaching, and that's probably how you ended up here on this page. You probably found some of my material online and decided to learn more about me and my teachings around prevention of heart disease and longevity.

I am passionate about preventing cardiology. I pride myself on being a preventative cardiologist. Many of my patients come to me as teenagers or in their twenties hoping to not ever need a cardiologist. Most of my older patients tell me they wish they would have met me 40 years ago! I will make sure to help you optimize and achieve all your healthcare goals!

I love teaching and have spent my entire life teaching. I started out teaching youth and kids at summer camps, to Sunday school, to high school, university, and eventually medical schools. I have been teaching physicians at medical schools and conferences since 2002. I also teach cardiologists at cardiology conferences, grand rounds, and as a professor of medicine at my main hospital teaching them cardiology and how to do complex heart procedures.

I also teach and train future cardiologists at our hospital. These are cardiology fellows going through a 3 year intensive teaching program to finally become cardiologists. It's very rewarding because we get to teach them and learn from them on the latest studies and techniques.

I have published over 3500 videos online across all social media platforms on how to prevent heart disease. My posts receive over 5.5 million views per month. I have been called "America's Cardiologist" by many in the media and online.

I love my job and I am sure it comes across in all that I do. I put 2000% of my energy, love, and passion for healthy living into what I do.


Dr. Alo

America's Cardiologist
Board Certified Internal Medicine
Board Certified Cardiovascular Medicine
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
Obesity & Weight Loss Medicine
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Midwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

PS: Can't wait to see you on the other side!

Only $7

Normally This Book Bundle Sells For $147

I'm doing a promotion for the new year since so many people have New Year's Resolutions! There is no gift better than longevity and improved mental and physical function!

Endorsements and Forewords:

Dr. Alo's books, research, and publications have been endorsed and supported by the world's leading experts in the field of evidence based medicine, healthcare, and nutrition. All of the individuals below have endorsed my books and written glowing forewords previously for my cholesterol textbook.

Dr. Thomas Dayspring MD, FNLA, FACP
Co-Editor and Co-Author
Lipidologist and Lipid Editor

Dr. Prof Kausik Ray MD
European Atherosclerosis Society

Dr. Danielle Belardo MD
Preventive Cardiologist
Precision Preventive Cardiology
Los Angeles, California

Dr. Paddy Barrett MD
Preventative Cardiologist

Dr. Matthew Phillips MD, FACC

Dr. Siyab Panhwar MD, FACC
Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Abeer Berry DO, FACC

Dr. Idrees Mughal MBBS
Medical Doctor (MBBS)
Masters in Nutrition Research (MRes)
Board-Certified in Lifestyle Medicine (DipIBLM)
School of Dr. Idz

Dr. Terry Simpson MD
Bariatric Surgery
Culinary Medicine

Dr. Layne Norton PhD
Nutritional Science
Fat Loss Forever

Dr. Matthew Nagra ND

Simon Hill Msc
The Proof Podcast

Alan Aragon MS
Flexible Dieting

Dr. Ronald Grisanti DC
Board Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Lipids, Longevity, and Healthy Living!

These books will shatter all the myths and be the new standard by which all books are judged. Includes all relevant research and links to every study. Over 200 citations and studies. Full color explanations and diagrams.

The Perfect Gift For Health Nuts!

If you have a health nut or someone in your family who is obsessed with being healthy and living longer, this book is the perfect gift!

Ranked No 1 Out of 75 Cardiologists in Northwest Ohio on RateMDs Website


Dr Alo Fulton County Cardiology Cardiologist Review

Dr. Mohammed S. Alo

"America's Cardiologist"

  • Board Certified Cardiologist
  • Board Certified Internist
  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Midwestern University
  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Ohio University
  • Medical Licenses in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan
  • Best Selling Author  
  • Weight Loss Expert
  • Featured on multiple TV shows
  • Published all across the world


Heart Disease Still The Leading Cause Of Death

Despite an over 80% reduction in death from heart disease since the 1960s, heart disease still remains the leading cause of death. This is improving significantly with modern medicine, therapeutics, sanitation, and technology. Experts believe that modern medicine has added 30-50 years to our lifespans. Deaths from heart disease are down over 80% despite a higher burden of chronic illness and chronic disease. Imagine how bright the future looks because we now can reduce the burden of chronic disease due to new weight loss therapeutics and interventions.

Healthspan vs Lifespan: Add Life To Your Years

Lifespan is the total number of years you live. Healthspan is how healthy you are and how well you are doing in those years. What's the point of living to 105 if you spend the last 35 years in a nursing home unable to move or do much. We want to add life to your years, not just years to your life. We are able to do that now! We have the science to do that.

Eliminate The Leading Causes Mortality

We know what the top leading causes of death and mortality are in the world. Most of these are easily preventable or "modifiable" based on current research and literature. We now have ways to eliminate most of these. In my book, we go over each one of these, and some that are not listed, with beautiful, full-color illustrations and diagrams, to help you conquer these risk factors and causes of illness.

No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not satisfied with the books, just shoot me an email and I will immediately send you a refund. No questions asked! And you can keep the books!

What Medical Experts Have Said About Dr. Alo's Books and Publications:

Dr. Thomas Dayspring MD, FACP, FNLA


Dr. Mohammed Alo is a multitalented and skilled invasive cardiologist, a preventive cardiologist, a teacher to his peers, a personal trainer, and a nutritionist who has dealt with every aspect of the number one global cause of morbidity and mortality, namely atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

He especially shines with great prominence as a social media “policeman” who watches for, and then with a funny video style, rebuts with facts and studies so much of the nonsense and idiocy that now promulgates the internet.

As a lipidologist, educator, and author who also has a large social media presence myself, I have very much enjoyed the way Mohammed continually recognizes and exposes the many cardiovascular and lipid frauds who populate social media with nonsensical, often dangerous advice and magical cures.

When I learned he was writing a fairly comprehensive cardiology textbook for both clinicians and layfolk, I was happy to volunteer to review and edit the parts dealing with the complexities of lipids and lipoproteins.

Thomas Dayspring MD, FACP, FNLA
Glen Allen, VA

Dr. Prof Kausik Ray MD, FMedSci

Cardiovascular Disease remains the number one cause of death globally accounting for over 18 million deaths per year. The vast majority of these fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events are preventable. There are few things better understood than the role of cholesterol in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Despite decades of knowledge the prevention of atherosclerotic heart disease remains poor. Some part of this lies in the conflicting opinions circulating in the media and online which confuses readers. In this regard, Cholesterol Truths by board certified cardiovascular medicine specialist and cholesterol expert Dr. Mohammed Alo, is a welcome addition to correct myths and disinformation in a detailed yet easily digestible treatise covering aspects from cell biology, cholesterol metabolism to the difference between observational data and clinical trials.

There is something here for everyone from patients to individuals keen to learn more, as well as healthcare professionals.

The book is easy to follow and dissects myths and misinformation before moving to facts and ultimately the truth. There is a major contribution from one of the godfathers of lipids, Dr. Thomas Dayspring.

Finally, there are case studies and guidance of how to manage different clinical scenarios. In short, this book should be on your wish list this year.

Prof Kausik Ray MD, FMedSci
Professor of Public Health and Cardiologist
Imperial College London
President of the European Atherosclerosis Society

Dr. Danielle Belardo MD


In the ever-evolving landscape of cardiovascular medicine, the importance of clear, evidence-based guidance cannot be overstated. "Cholesterol TRUTHS" by Dr. Mohammed S. Alo is a pivotal work that meets this need with remarkable clarity and precision. Dr. Alo adeptly addresses the complexities of cholesterol management and debunks widespread myths that often cloud public understanding.

As a preventive cardiologist, I have witnessed firsthand the confusion that can arise from misinformation, particularly in the realm of lipidology. Dr. Alo’s dedication to dispelling these myths through rigorous scientific scrutiny and practical advice is a beacon for both healthcare professionals and patients alike. His comprehensive approach, rooted in the latest research, provides invaluable insights into cholesterol metabolism and its critical role in cardiovascular health.

This book stands out not only for its depth of content but also for its accessibility. Dr. Alo's ability to translate complex medical concepts into understandable language makes this book an essential resource for anyone interested in the truth about cholesterol. Whether you are a clinician seeking to enhance your knowledge or a layperson aiming to make informed health decisions, "Cholesterol TRUTHS" offers a wealth of information that is both enlightening and actionable.

Dr. Alo's work is a testament to his commitment to improving public health through education. I am confident that this book will serve as a cornerstone in the ongoing effort to reduce cardiovascular disease and promote heart health globally.


Danielle Belardo MD
Preventive Cardiologist
Precision Preventive Cardiology
Los Angeles, California

Dr. Matthew Phillips MD, FACC


I am an interventional cardiologist and have practiced for 37 years. I retired after an automobile accident. I was the managing partner of a very large cardiology private practice and the head of our professional society in Texas.

I became active on social media to reconnect with my patients as retiring was mentally devastating for me.

I was shocked and dismayed listening to the rampant lies and medical misinformation that was on social media surrounding heart disease and especially cholesterol.

Many of these online voices are not even physicians.

The past few years the situation has been magnified by the pandemic. The unfortunate result was that it fostered distrust in the medical profession. The spinoff was bad actors on social media using this distrust to then discredit everything we know to be true about cardiovascular disease over the last 50 years!

These individuals, preying on fear and distrust, took to social media to say, “Do not believe your doctor”. Those generic medications that you buy are giving your physician “kickbacks”. Instead, buy my magic supplements and give me money and you will be spared the side effects. Do not trust your physician. Of course, they add the words “Big Pharma” to every claim they make.

As a physician, I know how this ends. Those same patients end up in our Emergency Room with Dr. Alo or my colleagues at their bedside trying to save their life while the “supplement” sales doctor is on a cruise somewhere.

Most of my colleagues are so busy that the next open appointment is 8 months away. Why care about the people who are foolish to think their physician, who has cared for them, is dishonest and instead buys snake oil from an internet scammer?

Why bother?

The reason is it makes honest physicians, who have given up their personal lives (in my case missing my kids’ sports games, dinner with family, and every holiday), to be at the bedside of a sick patient – hopping mad. Many of these internet scammers claim to be “doctors” and even more amazing, a few are actually cardiologists who are trying to sell “magical supplements” or a false hope.

Again -why care? There is a Bernie Madoff in every profession.

Enter Dr. Alo.

I met him on social media as he relentlessly became a one-man truth warrior. He relentlessly goes after the bad actors with data, data, and more data. He explains complex physiology and biochemistry in a way that anyone can understand. He is embarrassed by real physicians who are grifting online outside of their own specialty and incensed by those in our specialty.

Those physicians’ records are easily checked and usually there are licensure issues, lack of board certifications, and loss of privileges. They argue that it is the medical field picking on them for “telling the truth”. This is never the case. It’s very difficult to lose your license or be disciplined by the medical board.

Dr. Alo is a very busy practicing physician. He has no financial reason to write books and be on social media, as he could make more money simply practicing cardiology with the time spent with online activities. Medical books are difficult to write, and Tom Cruise is not looking for movie rights for cholesterol books. You aren’t going to get rich from this.

The problem is, as a cardiologist, he can only help one person at a time, but the bad actors are harming millions at once. (And making our jobs much harder)

He is on a quest to bring modern cardiology knowledge to the masses in an accessible, user-friendly way.

He is not compensating me (although I hope he sends me an autographed copy) and I have no financial relationship with this book or any of his activities.

As a retired cardiologist, my goal is to support him any way I can because in doing so I am still helping patients reduce the harm from cardiac and vascular disease. That’s the least I can do since I am unable to practice medicine at this time.

I hope you buy his book and follow him on social media. It might save you or your family’s life.

Matthew Phillips MD, FACC
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
Austin Heart Emeritus
Past president of the Texas chapter of the American College of Cardiology
Austin, Texas

Dr. Abeer Berry DO, FACC

Globally, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in adults. There are multiple, well-recognized, modifiable risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease. The single most important risk factor is elevated cholesterol levels or “hyperlipidemia”.  Lipid abnormalities play a crucial role in the development of atherosclerosis. There is an insurmountable body of evidence supporting this notion with research that dates back 100 years.

Despite cholesterol and lipid lowering medications being one of the most vastly studied topics in medicine, the acceptance of this proof by the general population remains lower than expected. As a practicing cardiologist for the last five years, I have seen the horrors that this disease causes and am saddened that we are not doing more. That is the overwhelming theme of this book.

We can completely eliminate heart disease, but we chose not to. This is perhaps the most important book of our time. Hopefully, Dr. Alo’s book will help reverse this trend and help us help our patients more by instilling confidence in the general public. We can do much better.

Practicing medicine in this current era has already proven to be more difficult than it was for my predecessors. In a world filled with search engines and artificial intelligence that provide data within seconds, patients have access to information about any diagnosis, management, and therapy, albeit inaccurate in many cases.

The chaos around the covid pandemic also heightened the amount of distrust toward those in the medical community. The covid pandemic was the first time in my medical career where we were managing patients with no prior science on the topic to support our decisions. The emergency studies published during this period regarding the infection were of poor quality in comparison to what we were accustomed to. This was the perfect opportunity for misinformation to spread regarding not only the management of covid infections, but of more established diseases and conditions.

I often struggled to combat misinformation regarding high cholesterol and its effect on heart disease. I turned to social media to find the sources of this false information. I was surprised to discover a decent amount of people online discussing the management of cholesterol were not cardiologists nor lipidologists. In fact, most of the time, they were not even physicians! I became frustrated but channeled this anger into the need to educate the general population about evidence-based cardiac medicine.

I joined the TikTok community, and that’s how I met Dr. Alo. Dr. Alo is a well-recognized and respected physician in his community, nationally and on multiple social media platforms. I followed his accounts, streamed his content, and eventually connected virtually.

Dr. Alo impressed me with his medical knowledge, understanding of scientific literature as well as his ability to be charismatic and witty. Dr. Alo encompassed all the features necessary to bring an end to medical misinformation. He became the “cardiology police” online and we are all better for it! Dr. Alo has become a mentor for me and has helped me educate my patients online.

As physicians, we don’t like to treat ourselves. This is especially true in cardiology. If I have cardiology questions, I ask Dr. Alo. I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone.

Dr. Alo has published many amazing and crucial books and “Cholesterol Truths” is no different. Every question you ever had about cholesterol extending from synthesis to management of elevated levels can be found in this book. And especially debunking common myths!

The best part about this book is that it is useful for anyone including the layman as well as the quadruple (or quintuple) boarded cardiologist like myself. In addition, unlike what you may find in your instant search engine results, you can be very confident that everything you read and learn here will be supported by good quality scientific research. Dr. Alo has a citation for every single claim in this book. The diagrams are beautifully illustrated!

Enjoy the content in this book and make sure to follow Dr. Alo on his social media platforms for further up to date, exciting, and evolving cardiac education!

Abeer Berry DO, FACC
Preventative and Invasive Cardiologist
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology


Dr. M. Siyab Panhwar MD


I am an interventional cardiologist who treats coronary artery disease and its complications with stents and other therapies. I am also a medical professional on social media trying to educate people on the dangers of high cholesterol and debunking the plentiful misinformation and false claims that exist about the role of high cholesterol in heart disease and cholesterol medications. I actually look inside your arteries. Every day. That’s my job!

The fact is that heart disease remains the number one cause of death globally, and we have not been able to knock it off its spot on that throne. This despite the great medical advancements in medicine and technology in the cardiovascular field over the last few decades that have helped us make a dent in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and help patients live healthier and longer lives.

Dyslipidemias are one of the easily modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular disease. However, as a medical community we have struggled to screen and appropriately treat our patients. Over 1/3rd of Americans do not know they have high cholesterol and may not be getting the treatment they need. Our understanding of cholesterol disorders and their effect on cardiovascular disease has evolved significantly over the last few decades and it is now clear that aggressive lipid control, as early as possible and for as long as possible, is one of the best ways to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cardiovascular disease.

Unfortunately, a large portion of the public either has a poor understanding (or no understanding) of the importance of lipid control, or unfortunately has been influenced negatively by bad actors on social media telling them that high cholesterol is not a problem, that cholesterol medication is harmful for them, high fat animal-based diets are good for you, and so on.

A vast number of Americans obtain their news AND health information from social media platforms like TikTok. There is a critical need for medical professionals to adopt social media platforms and battle misinformation and provide accurate information.

Dr. Alo is not only extremely qualified to talk about cardiovascular disease and lipid disorders, he is also extremely talented at conveying information and debunking complex concepts in simple, understandable ways to his large social media following. As a fellow cardiologist who educates on social media, I have appreciated his presence and vast expertise in the matter on social media.

This book is an extension of what Dr. Alo does on social media in which he expertly, and in a simple fashion, breaks down the concepts of cholesterol molecules and types, cholesterol transport, its role in pathology, and the best ways to reduce and control it. Additionally, the book addresses some of the most prevalent misinformation, lies and false claims that exists around cholesterol, dyslipidemia, and cholesterol medications.

I was honored that Dr. Alo asked me to write a recommendation for this book. I recommend this book without hesitation. I learn from Dr. Alo every day on social media, and I have learned even more from him through this book. This book is highly recommended to anyone from a common member of the public to practicing veteran cardiologists.

Dr. Muhammad Siyab Panhwar, MD
Interventional Cardiologist
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Interventional Cardiology
Minnesota, USA.

Dr. Paddy Barrett MD, MBBS


If you want to go deep on lipids and their role in coronary artery disease you will find everything you are looking for and tons more in this incredible book! Absolutely loved it!

Dr. Paddy Barrett
Preventative Cardiologist

Dr. Idrees Mughal MD, MBBS


Dr. Alo stands as a paragon in the realm of cardiovascular health, offering an evidence-based approach with his book “Cholesterol TRUTHS”, that is unparalleled in both breadth and depth.

I first had the privilege of connecting with Dr. Alo around a year ago and since then, my understanding of cardiology has been enriched by his insights and meticulous scientific scrutiny.

This book distills Dr. Alo's decades of experience as a cardiologist into a masterful exploration of the most compelling scientific evidence available today. It is not merely a discourse on cholesterol; rather, it delves into nutrition, mental health, longevity, and beyond, providing an all-encompassing holistic view of cardiovascular wellness and longevity.

In an era where misinformation is rampant and self-proclaimed experts abound, Dr. Alo's authoritative voice is a beacon of truth. The term 'expert' is often overused, and I don't use it lightly, but it is most fitting for Mohammed, whose deep expertise and commitment to evidence-based medicine equip us with the tools we need to combat the foremost chronic disease of our time—cardiovascular disease.

Having had the pleasure of receiving an advance copy of this book, I am confident that it will positively impact countless lives.

Idrees Mughal MBBS
Medical Doctor (MBBS)
Masters in Nutrition Research (MRes)
Board-Certified in Lifestyle Medicine (DipIBLM)
School of Dr. Idz

Dr. Layne Norton PhD

Navigating the health landscape in 2024 is a whack-a-mole of trying to figure out what claims are legitimate versus which ones are nonsense. Sadly, the latter receive most of the attention, while the former get lost in the shuffle.

This is why having experts like Dr. Alo who not only understand the research around heart disease but have clinical experience treating thousands of patients is absolutely critical to decoding what is important for the prevention of heart disease.

As the number 1 killer in the US and globally, heart disease needs evidence-based treatments from real professionals and that is what Dr. Alo provides.

Layne Norton PhD
Nutritional Sciences
Fat Loss Forever

Simon Hill MSc, BSc


The number one cause of death globally is atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Yet, as outlined by Dr. Alo, we have the knowledge to eradicate this disease through lifestyle changes, medicine, or a combination of the two.

My father suffered a major heart attack at age 41. If he would have read Cholesterol Truths, this could have been avoided. Do not underestimate the real world consequences of the information in the forthcoming pages. One of the best books you can read for your health and well being!

Simon Hill MSc, BSc
Nutrition Scientist
The Proof Podcast

Dr. Matthew Nagra ND


Cholesterol Truths provides a breath of fresh air on a topic that is rife with dangerous misinformation that has propagated across social media. Very few professionals do as stellar a job as Dr. Alo in combatting this misinformation in a way that everyone can understand, which is no doubt a part of why he has garnered such an impressive following.

Having one foot planted in the social media space, and another firmly planted in his medical practice, Dr. Alo is aware of, and responds to the most common tropes spread by influencers using his training and expertise in the field of cardiology. This is quite evident in his new book. However, don’t let the book cover fool you.

This book extends far beyond just cholesterol and heart health, delving into the research on nutrition, cognitive function, mental health, kidney disease, longevity, and so much more.

Whether you’re interested in reducing your cardiovascular disease risk due to family history or are simply aiming to understand and optimize your blood lipids for a longer and healthier life, this book has something for you.

Dr. Matthew Nagra ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Vancouver, BC

Alan Aragon MS


I first met Dr. Alo after he tweeted out glowing praise for my book Flexible Dieting. I saw that he was a physician, so this added extra weight to his opinion - especially since physicians aren't particularly known for their awareness about the finer points of evidence-based nutrition.

Then I read Dr. Alo's book Actual Weight Loss and was genuinely impressed with the respect he has for maintaining a science-based approach (which is another rare thing among physicians in the health & fitness media space).

His latest book, Cholesterol Truths, is the most impressive undertaking of this topic that I personally have come across. There are far more health-related topics covered within this book than its title implies. The writing style is straightforward, and the information is as rigorous as you'll ever find. It’s an incredibly easy read whether you are just a beginner or steeped in the research world.

Dr. Alo went to enormous lengths to support every point with peer reviewed literature throughout this massive manuscript. Every single

I would recommend this book to anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of how nutrition, medication, and other lifestyle factors affect cardiovascular health and longevity.

Alan Aragon MS
Flexible Dieting

Dr. Terry Simpson MD, FACS


If you were a child in the 1960s, chances are you have a scar on your arm from the smallpox vaccine. Smallpox killed 30% of those who contracted it. Then the vaccination was perfected and in 1980, smallpox was eradicated from the earth. Smallpox went from being the number one killer in the western world to a footnote in medical textbooks. Thanks to epidemiology and advances in medical knowledge.

Heart disease is currently the number one killer in the Western World (and globally). We have hospital wards, intensive care units, and surgical suites dedicated to the treatment of heart disease. Twenty-five percent of the time we find out a person had heart disease because they suddenly die from a cardiac arrest (sudden heart attack). It costs our society millions of days of lost productivity, the leading cause of death, and one of the leading causes of permanent disability.

But the process that causes heart disease, which is called atherosclerosis, is also responsible for the second leading cause of dementia (vascular dementia), the leading cause of stroke, and the cause of peripheral vascular disease. They are all the same process, but in different arteries.

We could make atherosclerosis, the cause of most heart disease, a disease that we talk about in historical terms. We have elucidated complex biochemical pathways that show how the disease develops, how it progresses. It is not simple to understand, it is complex science from the laboratory to multiple patient studies.

Proper science is never easy, it is complex. We could make blanket statements – all disease is inflammation, which is not only simplistic, but incorrect. We could call it stress (don’t we call everything we don’t understand related to stress). We could blame modern society and its diet (you know, the one that cured smallpox, discovered vitamins, scurvy, cancer) and then try to sell you a diet or some supplement or lifestyle program.

Yes, you should stop smoking, lose weight, control your blood pressure, and you should get to know your neighbors, and follow the Mediterranean Diet.

You could do all the great things – exercise, eat right, build a beautiful community and be a part of it – and heart disease would still be the number one killer. And please, do all these things.

How about we eliminate atherosclerosis? How about we make it a footnote in history? How about we empty the wards of the hospital, get rid of cardiac intensive care units, and free up the surgical suites. We can.

The answer is right here in Dr. Alo’s book, removing the single causative agent of heart disease – atherosclerosis. That single agent is attributed to elevated cholesterol in the blood, or more specifically LDL cholesterol, or more specifically apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein little a. We have multiple medicines that can do this. You will learn about all of this in this short, beautiful book!

Doctors can eliminate the reason my 98-year-old father died, the reason my mom had vascular dementia for five years before she died from a heart attack. We can do that. We SHOULD do that!

The science isn’t simple, so your gym bro or low carb or vegan coach would want you to avoid modern medicine and go with their plan. The chiropractor selling supplements will say “you don’t have a statin deficiency,” but would sell you some unproven, or disproven cure.

So, if you are of the mind to want to know the truth, to want to see the elegant beauty of science and how it works, to want a vaccination against misinformation, this is the book for you!

Terry Simpson MD, FACS
Culinary Medicine
Bariatric Surgery
California and London

Dr. Ronald Grisanti DC


Dr. Alo has created a masterpiece with his new book, Cholesterol Truths.

With so much misinformation circulating the internet, Dr. Alo has done it right and put his pen to paper and put to sleep the nonsense of those who claim that cholesterol is not an issue in the arena of cardiovascular disease.

Not only is Dr. Alo a prominent and respected cardiologist, but he is also an expert in lipids. I consider him a lipidologist, a healthcare provider who's an “expert” in lipids. This puts Dr. Alo in a league of his own, making him the ultimate authority on the truth on cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol Truths is jam-packed with peer reviewed content backing up each and every significant point to aid those looking for answers to their atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

If you, or a loved one, is suffering from cardiovascular disease, I can only encourage you not just to read but STUDY Dr. Alo’s Cholesterol Truths.

His new outstanding book will be your blueprint for achieving improved cardiovascular health.

Thanks Dr. Alo for taking your hard-earned time to create a book that will save the lives of millions of people around the world suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Ronald Grisanti DC, DABCO, DACBN, MS, CFMP
Board Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist
Diplomate, American Clinical Board of Nutrition
Masters in Nutritional Science from University of Bridgeport
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Owner and Medical Director of Functional Medicine University

What Are You Waiting For?

This is a very small investment that could significantly impact your Healthspan and Lifespan! You can not only add years to your life, you could add life to your years!


Imagine yourself 20 years in the future, you don't want to see me on the cath lab table looking down at you trying to bring you back!

Only $7


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