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Imagine being able to call and text America's Cardiologist any time of day!

The average doctor usually only spends 1 minute and 40 seconds with each patient. That's right. That's only 100 seconds with each patient.

*From a National Library Of Medicine Study: PMC126654


I want to flip the healthcare system upside down! I want to give you full access to a doctor 24/7/365!

Cheaper than health insurance and a gym membership!

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We talk all day and all night on the app and have weekly zoom calls to check in and help you!

And you get access to all other previous zoom calls or private zooms I have done with millions of other online forums and communities!

We talk cholesterol, I review your labs, adjust your macros, track your weight loss progress, look at your heart scans, and just talk plain life with like minded heart healthy people!


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