Top Online Weight Loss Courses

weight loss Feb 07, 2022
Top Online Weight Loss Course

Top Online Weight Loss Courses

If you do a quick Google search, you will find that there aren't actually any good online weight loss courses.

First, you will see a bunch of ads for weight loss apps and programs for weight loss. But these are not courses nor classes. These are food tracking apps mainly.

Next you'll see ads from common teaching platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Skillshare. After clicking on a few of these, you will quickly realize that these are not well done and not professional. You are paying for a $14 course that you can finish in a few minutes. There is no depth and no real teaching. You aren't going to learn more than you already know. And they won't guarantee results.

Next you will see a bunch of results for fad diets and gimmicks. This is your supplement industry on steroids. They are selling you supplements as boosters for the latest fads diet.

Next, there will be a bunch of ads from certified personal trainers. But none of them are for weight loss courses, just some training program or exercise plan they want you to pay lots of money to download.

You should be looking for an online course based on the latest research and data. Not some short term solution that will give you quick fix results, and then weight gain! The fitness industry is always trying to sell you something that you don't need.


What To Look For In a Professional Online Weight Loss Course 

  • Professional Instruction
  • Basics to Advanced Topics
  • Professional Platform
  • Backed with Science and Data
  • Research Driven
  • Proven Results
  • Experienced Instructor
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • University Level Expertise
  • Mobile App
  • Value for Price
  • Access from any where
  • Nutrition course
  • Case studies
  • Self paced
  • Training programs
  • Professional Quality 4K Video Lesson
  • Quizzes and Assessments
  • Exercise program with schedule and video demonstrations
  • Handouts, Guides, Worksheets, Assignments
  • Lifetime Access
  • Final Exam
  • Certification and Diploma

After looking through all of the available online weight courses, none really fit all of these criteria. We have found a few courses that cost $10-15 dollars that have an instructor that talks for a few minutes about weight loss and then you get a handout to fill out some information. But none of the instructors are subject matter experts that are qualified. They have minimal training in weight loss, let alone how to handle emotional eating or knowing how the human body works.

Slimming Course

Another group of weight loss and slimming courses offer a free class or webinar, in exchange for your email and they try to sell you a huge supplement package. 

Free Weight Loss Course

The vast majority of "free weight loss courses" are either not very good or trying to sell you a fad diet or supplement stack. We know from science and research that over the counter weight loss pills have no effect on weight loss. Otherwise, they would FDA regulated prescription weight loss meds.

Very few of the courses address eating habits and lifestyle changes. Very few are taught by a weight loss specialist who is also a certified personal trainer. Very few offer real life examples and strategies. Only one course was a certificate course that offered any type of certification and it was not accredited by any major university nor institute.

Weight Loss Course Curriculum

When reviewing the curricula of these courses very few talked about nutrition sciences and cited research studies. One course discussed caloric goals but did not offer weight loss plans nor contained critical components for long term weight loss.

A great course let's you take the classes on your own time and not be bound by time and instructor availability. Weight loss management should be a part of your daily routine and not a chore. It should come natural to you and become second nature. Courses should focus on incorporating a healthy eating plan into the weight management course.

As a cardiologist and certified personal trainer, I teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle that helps prevent heart disease. I have been teaching proper weight loss for a very long time and it's a passion of mine.

University Level Program

None of the weight loss courses were taught by a subject matter expert. None were accredited by universities or institutions. None were backed by scientific data and research. None felt like a real classroom environment at a university level program.

Free Isn't Good

Some of the search results were for free weight loss courses. I registered for a few of those and they were very low quality. One of them just dispelled a few nutrition myths and offered a cookie cutter meal plan for all to follow. No customization or individual plans to address your goal weight. 

One of the biggest things I stress in my weight loss course is the importance of lowering the risk of diseases. Heart disease, inflammatory disease, and many other can be addressed and improved by small amounts of weight loss. The weight loss itself imparts all of the health benefits, regardless of how you achieve that weight loss.

Defining Healthy Weight

One of the biggest drawbacks to taking a course with an unqualified instructor is that instructor isn't able to verbalize the definition of a healthy weight. How are you teaching a weight loss course, and can't even define healthy weight?

In the free programs, course structure was another issue. The lesson was a 3 hour long video 9webinar) that was a person just rambling to a live audience. It was pre-recorded and being sold as a weight loss class. And at the end of the webinar, they offered to sell you a weight loss supplement stack of some sort.

Healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians) will quickly realize that these courses are a scam and are not worth the time investment (they are free). They don't contain a lot of research and are poorly done.

The Weight Loss Mindset

A good course needs to be well organized, well curated, and discuss how to lose fat, not just weight. Controlling food intake is one aspect, but the emotional side and the mindset surrounding weight loss is the issue no one wants to discuss. Weight loss needs to be approached and discussed the right way. Whether you are coaching people live or as a part of an online training program, you need to address the emotional eating and proper mindset. The prerequisite to my weight loss course, is my Weight Loss Mindset Course. The preview is free and you can watch it!

Another issue is weight loss courses that take too long to complete. Imagine you register for a course, only to find out there over 400 videos to watch. How likely are you to even attempt that course? How likely is such a course to generate results for you? There needs to be a balance between course length and difficulty and how fast you can achieve the transformation it promises.

My online weight loss program delivers results and fits all of those criteria. I'm a subject matter expert. I'm a professor of medicine at multiple medical colleges and universities and have spent the better part of two decades researching, publishing, and educating on weight loss.


About Dr. Alo's Weight Loss Course:

Dr. Alo's weight loss masterclass addresses weight loss from a scientific approach and is research backed. This is not a fad diet or gimmick. This is a university level program going over all facets of weight loss from the very basics to more detailed and complicated strategies for those who have been chronically dieting and are in a bad place. We discuss everything from ketosis diets to the nutritional composition of foods, to energy balance, to weight loss nutrition. 

Dr. Alo's program emphasizes establishing a good relationship with food and exercise. He doesn't want you to develop a bad relationship with food or exercise. You need to use food (all kinds, even pizza and ice cream) to fulfill your goals. There are ways to do that while still losing weight.

There are no food restrictions. We don't teach fad diets, gimmicks, and dangerous strategies that eliminate entire food groups and set you up for future failure. Yes, you can eat bread, pasta, and rice. We don't teach time restricted eating. You can eat all throughout the day and still lose weight. 

Our program is heart healthy because Dr. Alo is a cardiologist and wouldn't have it any other way. Dr. Alo is a personal trainer and has coached hundreds of patients and clients to successful weight loss. 

Beyond all this, you will be equipped with knowledge and data to help your friends and family. When they start talking about weight loss and telling each other that the only way to lose weight is to avoid carbs, you will have the data, the studies, the research, and the ability to communicate why this is not true.

If you interested in a high level, professional online weight loss course where you can go at your own pace, download worksheets and guides, and pass a final exam and receive a certificate, you really need to take Dr. Alo's Weight Loss Course!

If you want to learn more about my comprehensive course:

Dr. Alo's Online Weight Loss Course


Power of 3 Bundle

Grab My 5 Step Quick Guide for Weight Loss & My Ultimate Macro Counting Guide & My Ultimate Lipid Guide for FREE! Normally a $197 Bundle!

Everything you need to live a healthy life, live longer, and lose weight properly!

Most of my clients, friends, and patients lost all the weight they ever wanted with this bundle!

I hate SPAM. I will never sell your information, for any reason.

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This blog is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this blog or materials linked from this blog is at the user's own risk. The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Dr. Alo and his subsidiaries can not be held responsible for any harm, deleterious effects, up to an including death form the information contained on this website and blog.